Sweden world map
Sweden on the world map. Sweden world map (Northern Europe - Europe) to print. Sweden world map (Northern Europe - Europe) to download. Sweden has the world eighth highest per capita income. In 2011, it ranked fourth in the world in The Economist Democracy Index and tenth in the United Nations Human Development Index (third on the inequality-adjusted HDI) as its shown in Sweden world map. In 2010, the World Economic Forum ranked Sweden as the second most competitive country in the world, after Switzerland.
According to the UN, it has the third lowest infant mortality rate in the world. In 2010, Sweden also had one of the lowest Gini coefficient of all developed countries (0.25), making Sweden one of the world most equal country in terms of income as its mentioned in Sweden world map. Sweden wealth, however, is distributed much less equally than its income. The top 10% has about 72% of nation wealth, and at a wealth Gini coefficient of 0.85, Swedish wealth inequality is higher than European average of 0.8.
At 449,964 km2 (173,732 sq mi), Sweden is the 55th largest country in the world as you can see in Sweden world map. Some 4.5 million residents are working, out of which around a third has tertiary education. GDP per hour worked is the world 9th highest at 31 USD in 2006, compared to 22 USD in Spain and 35 USD in United States. GDP per hour worked is growing 2½ per cent per year for the economy as a whole and the trade-terms-balanced productivity growth is 2%. According to OECD, deregulation, globalisation, and technology sector growth have been key productivity drivers. Sweden is a world leader in privatised pensions and pension funding problems are relatively small compared to many other Western European countries.