
Sweden rain map

Map of Sweden rain. Sweden rain map (Northern Europe - Europe) to print. Sweden rain map (Northern Europe - Europe) to download. On average, most of Sweden receives between 500 and 800 mm (20 and 31 in) of precipitation each year, making it considerably drier than the global average. The southwestern part of the country receives more precipitation, between 1000 and 1200 mm (39 and 47 in) as its shown in Sweden rain map, and some mountain areas in the north are estimated to receive up to 2000 mm (79 in). Despite northerly locations, southern and central Sweden may have almost no snow in some winters.Late summer and autumn are the rainiest seasons, but precipitation falls throughout the year. Annual precipitation averages about 24 inches (600 mm).
In Stockholm, about 530 mm (21 in) of rain or snow fall per year, so precipitation is not abundant, although it is well distributed over the months, and experiences a minimum in spring and a maximum in summer, as often happens in the rest of Sweden. In Malmo, 605 mm (24 in) of rain or snow fall per year, with a maximum in summer and autumn as its mentioned in Sweden rain map. In Östersund, precipitation amounts to 525 mm (20.5 inches) per year, with a maximum in July and August. In Lulea, precipitation amounts to 610 mm (24 inches) per year, with a maximum in July and August. In Kiruna, precipitation amounts to 590 mm (23 inches) per year, with a maximum in summer. From October to April, precipitation generally occurs in the form of snow. Here is the average precipitation.