
Map Sweden

Detailed map of Sweden. Map Sweden (Northern Europe - Europe) to print. Map Sweden (Northern Europe - Europe) to download. Sweden has a population of about 9 million. The north is less populated than the southern and central parts, mostly because of its colder climate. Cities and towns in Sweden are not political or administrative entities but localities or urban areas, independent of the municipal subdivision. The largest city, in terms of population, is the capital Stockholm, in the east, the dominant city for culture and media, with a population of 1,250,000 as its shown in the map Sweden. The second largest city is Gothenburg, with 510,500, in the west. The third largest is Malmö in the south, with 258,000. The largest city in the north is Umeå with 76,000 inhabitants.

Detailed map of Sweden

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The official language in Sweden is Swedish as its mentioned in the map Sweden. In some parts of northern Sweden, Sami and Tornedal Finnish (Meänkieli) are spoken. There are five official minority languages: Sami and Tornedal Finnish (autochthonous languages) and Finnish, Romany and Yiddish (non-territorial languages). To a certain extent citizens have the right to use these languages in their dealings with the authorities and courts. In certain areas, they have the right to childcare and care of the elderly in Finnish and Sami. Sami speaking children can choose between attending compulsory school (grundskola) or Sami School (sameskola), with tuition until school year six in both Swedish and Sami.
Sweden relatively slow population growth and an effective conservation movement have helped preserve the nation extensive forest resources. By the end of 1985 there were 19 national parks covering 618,070 hectares (1,527,276 acres), 1,215 nature reserves of 870,748 hectares (2,151,653 acres), and 2,016 other protected landscape areas of 540,064 hectares (1,334,520 acres) as you can see in the map Sweden. As of 2003, protected areas accounted for 9.1% of Sweden total land area, including 51 Ramsar wetland sites. Principal responsibility for the environment is vested in the National Environmental Protection Agency.
The monetary unit of Sweden is the krona (Kr) is a paper currency of 100 öre as its shown in the map Sweden. There are coins of 50 öre and 1, 2, 5, and 10 kronor, and notes of 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 500, and 1,000 kronor. Kr1 = $0.13661 (or $1 = Kr7.32) as of 2005. The weights and measures in Sweden is the metric system is the legal standard, but some old local measures are still in use, notably the Swedish mile (10 kilometers).