Kiruna Sweden map
Map of Kiruna Sweden. Kiruna Sweden map (Northern Europe - Europe) to print. Kiruna Sweden map (Northern Europe - Europe) to download. Kiruna (Northern Sami: Giron, Finnish: Kiiruna) is the northernmost city in Sweden, situated in the province of Lapland. It had 18,148 inhabitants in 2010 and is the seat of Kiruna Municipality (pop. 23,099 in 2008) in Norrbotten County as its shown in Kiruna Sweden map. Kiruna is located in the north of Sweden, 145 kilometres (90 mi) north of the Arctic circle. The city centre is built on the Haukavaara hill at an altitude of 530m, high above the Torne river to the north and the Kalix river to the south. Other parts of the town are Lombolo and Tuolluvaara. Near Kiruna are the mountains Kiirunavaara and Luossavaara. Kiirunavaara is an iron ore mine that is the town's primary economic resource. Luossavaara is a former mine and now used as a skiing slope.
Kiruna is located at the E10 road, connecting Luleå with Norway and passing close by Gällivare (south of Kiruna) and Narvik (on the Norwegian coast). A short road connects to Kurravaara at the Torne river and ends there. Another road connects Kiruna with Nikkaluokta close to Kebnekaise and is used by tourists to get to the mountains. It also passes by or nearby several villages in the Kalix river valley. Kiruna Airport is located southeast of the city, 8 km by road as its mentioned in Kiruna Sweden map. A few flights per day connect Kiruna with Stockholm, either directly or via Luleå or Umeå. During tourist season, buses connect Kiruna Airport to the city center. Tourism is an important source of income for Kiruna and the surrounding region with around 300,000 tourist-nights per year (1998).