
Camping Sweden map

Sweden camping map. Camping Sweden map (Northern Europe - Europe) to print. Camping Sweden map (Northern Europe - Europe) to download. Spending the night under canvas in Sweden is about as good as camping gets. You can fall asleep to the sound of howling wolves and a crackling campfire, and wake up to magnificent views of the sunlight stretching through the trees. Sweden is one of the best places in the world to go wild camping as its shown in camping Sweden map. Unspoilt areas of forest abound and Allemansrätten (the freedom to roam) is enshrined in Swedish law. In simple terms this exists to give everyone access to nature, including areas of privately owned land, but there are still certain rules about what you can and can not do. Hunting is allowed in Sweden but it is not a part of the freedom to roam. Sweden is a safe place but you still need travel insurance. A good policy can make a world of difference if things go wrong when you’re camping in the middle of nowhere.
It is important that you find a site that is well away from houses and is not on farmland. Choose solid ground on which to pitch your tent and avoid land used for grazing or agricultural purposes. National parks and nature reserves have special rules that may restrict the Right of Public Access as its mentioned in camping Sweden map. Tents are generally not permitted except in designated camping sites. In certain areas tents are banned altogether. Most municipalities have regulations on camping. Pitching tents in locations such as parks or sports grounds may be forbidden. In general, camping that is permitted under the Right of Public Access is not restricted, but tents may be banned in outdoor recreation areas.